Slim and Smile Ayu Care is a well-established weight loss center in Gujarat, India, with as many as 6 different clinics all across the state. Ayurvedic principles are the guiding light behind all the treatment that we offer.

We specialise in offering medication which are 100% Ayurvedic and at the same time, FDA approved. Therefore, concerns regarding side effects can easily be negated. Not only that, we don't just cure excess weight, we actually find out the root cause because weight gain is never an actual problem with any patient; it is just a symptom of something else in body, we find out the actual reason of your weight gain to make customized diet, exercise and medicine plan for you. Because of this practice Slim and Smile Ayu Care patients are less likely to regain weight. To put this perspective in figures, while more than 80% people regain weight after losing it, with proper Slim and Smile Ayu Care treatment, the proportion of our patients who regain weight is much lesser.

Essentially, our focus is entirely on normalising the whole weight loss process as much as possible. This way, patients never feel anything terribly out of the norm. Instead, it is as though the entire process is a regular everyday phenomenon, barring the end result – loss of excess weight.

Now, weight gain can occur due to an entire plethora of reasons; people quickly assume excess food intake as the cause whereas that need not necessarily be the cause at all.

Some of the Common weight gain reasons are:
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Carbohydrate addiction
  • Stress
  • PCOD
  • Under Active Thyroid
  • Estrogen Dominant
  • Toxic Colon
  • Toxic Liver
  • Candidiasis
  • Nutrients Deficiency
  • Food Allergy

Additionally, there are many reasons due to our current lifestyle habits which include an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, excess fast food and aerated drinks consumption, way too much stress, as well as use of modern medicines.

Whatever be the trigger which may have caused weight gain in your case, we will attend to that without any qualms and ensure that reasonable weight is lost as deemed suitable.

Further, of special note is the fact that Slim and Smile Ayu Care has been run successfully with complete finesse by Dr. Bhavesh Thakkar and Dr. Manish Patel since eons now. All this while Slim and Smile Ayu Care has only grown from strength to strength, truly living up to its name by spreading smiles to people really eager to be slim and healthy.

Along the way, Slim and Smile Ayu Care has received wide accolades which include ‘Best Ayurveda Weight Loss Treatment’ which was awarded by none other than ex. Health Minister of Gujarat, Shri Ashokbhai Bhatt in 2007.

Why Choose Slim and Smile Ayu Care?

Slim and Smile Ayu Care clearly offers immense value which is second to none as far as Ayurvedic weight loss treatment is concerned.

  • 20 years of experience

    To have two decades of unparalleled successful experience in a niche like Ayurvedic weight loss is barely heard of but Slim and Smile Ayu Care has delivered the goods with proficiency.

  • 100% dedicated weight loss plan

    The weight loss plan at Slim and Smile Ayu Care is 100% dedicated towards your end objective of being a slimmer version of your current self. While many offer lofty dreams, actual delivery remains a little compromised. With us, that is never a concern.

  • 100% Ayurvedic

    Ayurvedic principles have always been the guiding light at Slim and Smile Ayu Care. There is simply no exception whatsoever on this front; Ayurveda is and always be the pivotal aspect at Slim and Smile Ayu Care.

At Slim and Smile Ayu Care, we are dedicated to your weight loss endeavour, with Ayurvedic principles as the guiding light at every step of the way.

Remember that at the end of the day, weight gain is simply a symptom, not a disease per se. At Slim and Smile Ayu Care, we go above and beyond to find the actual disease that leads to weight gain and then treat you for that.

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